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Our Work

Cleveland Play House stages “Jacked!”


Article from

One-act 'Jacked!' visits drug court


Article from The Plain Dealer

Louisville theater is tackling a 'season of black plays' for 2019


Article from the Courier-Journal

Fund for the Arts announces Imagine Greater Louisville 2020 grant recipients 


Article from Wave 3

Check out Louisville's Mixing Matters workshop 


Article from Courier-Journal



Post from Cosmic Incantations

KyCAD acquires historic Speed Mansion 


Article from Insider Louisville

Imagine Greater Louisville 2020 celebrates one year


Article from The Lane Report

Interview with SCZ 


Interview by 97.1RM WXOX

Capoeira in the Levant: The impact of a black-Atlantic cultural space on displaced communities in Syria and Palestine


Published on Contributoria

Written by Jared Zarantonello

Indigeneity, Hip Hop and Black Liberation Struggles: Decolonizing state violence on Black and Brown bodies


Published on Academia 

Written by SCZ

Remixing: Decolonial Strategies in Cultural Production


Published in Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society open access journal

Written by SCZ

Cleveland Play House's JACKED!


Article from



Article from

Can Actors Theatre’s ‘Hype Man’ Kick It? Yes, It Can 


Article from WFPL

Louisville arts groups will get creative with nearly $50K in grants


Article from Courier-Journal

Episode 12: Rhythm Science Sound 


Podcast episode from Stitcher

Ep. 14: Radical Sound Archives with Scz


Podcast episode from Femme, Collectively

Fair Event Vendors Alliance invites you to ‘Get Down’ for a good cause at Play 


Article from Insider Louisville

Rhythm Science Sound in Louisville KY


Article from RAVISH MOMIN

Trap: Beyond a Beat 


Published on Contributoria

Written by Jared Zarantonello

Against the logic of social respectability 


Published on Contributoria

Written by SCZ

Black History, Queer Future: University of Louisville students organize queer Hip Hop showcase 


Article from (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)

Hip-hop in the UK: Why the bad rap? by Joshua Virasami


Article from


We host community events, release music, and create spaces for learning, sharing, and producing music culture.

Our Values, Roots,

& Politics

Our work at RSS is deeply rooted in the idea that the dancefloor is home. Dancefloors are liberatory spaces of expression, emotion, social intimacy, and have deep cultural meaning.


The dancefloor welcomes all, includes all.

Throughout our history, dancefloors have been an especially crucial space of exile for marginalized folks around the world. The dancefloor is a permissive space, filled with the meeting and mixing of sound, people, and ideas.


The dancefloor dissolves borders. It provides refuge. At the dance, you can be yourself, and be with others as themselves. Collectively feel joy, expel fear, alienation, and stress, and move…together.


The story of contemporary global club and dance music is the history of modern forced migration, and peoples' resistance to domination, oppression, and suppression. From the advent of modern imperialism, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, down through contemporary manifestations of these forces, people experiencing displacement, exile and alienation all over the globe have created spaces of dance and music where soul and culture can survive, heal and thrive. Dance music is a commitment to liberation, for all.


With that being said, RSS is committed to leveraging the resources that dance music and its culture offers, to support and enrich the lives of those communities who have and do contribute so much to our craft and culture. We are honored and humbled to be able to use our knowledge and skills to support migrant and diasporic, undocumented, refugee, LGBTQ, alternatively abled, those in incarceration, and/or anyone who is searching for freedom, belonging, inclusion and support in this music and culture.

Our Mission


Rhythm Science is a forensic investigation of sound as a vector of coded language that goes from the physical to the informational and back again. Rhythm Science. Rhyme time. Rough trade. Sound. Think of it as a mirror held up to a culture that has learned to fly again...Rhythm science is not so much a new language as a new way of pronouncing the ancient syntaxes that we inherit from history and evolution, a new way of enunciating the basic primal languages that slip through the fabric of rational thought and infect our psyche at another, deeper level. Could this be a way of healing? Taking elements of our own alienated consciousness and recombining them to create new languages from old (and in doing so reflect the chaotic turbulent reality we all call home)


-- Paul D. Miller AKA Dj Spooky

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Address | 904 S Shelby St, Louisville, KY 40203

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Phone | SCZ: 502-331-5204 / Jared: 502-938-7818

© 2023 by Rhythm Science Sound

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